sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Consejitos para escribir una buena carta a tu Host Family

En mi anterior entrada les hable de mi experiencia escribiendo la carta, por eso esta entrada esta especialmente dedicada a ayudar a chicas que tienen miles de dudas y necesitan ver un ejemplo. Aclaro que he leido varios blogs y he tomado varias ideas de uno muy interesante que me gusto mucho.

1. hacer una carta de unas 600 palabras, más o menos. Mi carta tubo 642 palabras, pero el numero de palabras a mi manera de ver las cosas no importa, obvio que no vas a escribir un solo parrafo, pero lo importante es que digas lo necesario e importante.

2. Hablar como primera instancia de ti (nombre, edad, nacionalidad). Debes Presentarte a la familia y hablar brevemente sobre tu familia (sobre si ellos te apoyan en tu decisión), sobre tus estudios o aspiraciones futuras.

3. Explicar tus motivaciones, por qué quieres ser aupair. (En caso de saber país concreto, como EEUU, también sobre por qué has elegido Estados Unidos). I would like to travel to USA because....

4. Esto es muy importante y lo que mas le interesa a las familias cuando leen una carta: Contar con detalles tu experiencia en cuidado de niños cualidades especiales para desarrollar el trabajo. 

5. Ser realista. No mostrar intereses que no tienes por quedar bien, porque vas a convivir con la familia, ellos se darán cuenta tarde o temprano.

6. Hablar detalladamente de tu personalidad, explicándoles tus hobbies e intereses que les puedan ayudar a los niños. Cuándo los realizas, con quién, con qué frecuencia, desde hace cuánto tiempo o por qué te gusta invertir tiempo en ellos. Esto tambien ayuda mucho, creo yo porque si tienes los mismos hobbies que los Hostkids puede ser un punto a tu favor y aparte ya tienen una visión de que es lo que te gusta hacer.

7. Siempre lo he dicho ser muy cortés. La carta debería tener un saludo tanto al principio como al final. 
Ej: Hello Dear Host Family
I look forward to hearing from you!

8. El la parte final, como despedida, es importante decir que estás deseando saber de la familia de acogida y que estarías encantada de oír de ellos tanto pronto como les sea posible.No olvidar agradecer por leer la carta
Ej: I hope you enjoyed this special letter and know more about me.

9. Intenta no tener demasiados errores gramaticales para facilitar su comprensión a la familia. Puedes pedirle el favor a alguien que te lea la carta y revise si hay errores, en mi caso le mostré la carta a mi amiga y me hizo unas correcciones importantes que me sirvieron antes de publicarla en mi perfil.

10. Y por ultimo sé tu misma, este es el detalle mas importante de la carta, debes expresar tus mejores ideas y escribirlas de una manera cortés y agradable, lo que te ayudará a tener una muy buena carta.

Aquí les dejo mi carta para que tengan una idea mas amplia:
Dear host Family

First of all, thank you for checking my profile desiring to know who I am.
My name is ______________, I’m ___ years old, I live with ____________________ in a big town calls ____________in the north of _______. I don’t live with my father, but he has been always providing me economical supports. I have one brother, who is younger, he is ____ years old and in this moment he’s working in a different city, for that reason my mother and me are not living with him. My family is the reason of my life; I’m studying too hard in order to give to my mother, grandmother and brother a better life’s quality. I’m a foreign languages student, I’m in the last semester, I know English and French. At the same time I’m working as an English teacher in 2 schools, in the first one, I work in a preschool with children between 4 to 7 years old; I’m the official teacher of 1st grade and the English teacher for the rest of the grades. In the second one, I work with primary students between 8 to 10 years old.

I’m a really cheerful person, who loves sharing good moments with the family and friends. I love dancing, watch TV programs and movies, listening to music, go out with my friends, make outdoors activities such as: skateboarding, camping, sports, go to the beach, rivers or pools, go sightseeing, do exercises and play funny games where I can move and run around. I can say I love cooking and I’m learning every day for improving my skills at the kitchen.

During this year as a teacher, I have learnt not only how to teach to little kids but I have has the opportunity to explore inside my mind in order to create many different activities to get children attention in a funny way. The happiness and the good spirit they show me every day, make my life a beautiful adventure. I love working with children and provide them all my knowledges, making of them excellent human beings in service of our society.
In the school with my students, we often play entertaining games, listen songs, make funny draws, dance and do some mimes together. Always at the beginning of the classes we make a prayer as a demonstration of how important God is for us. In special dates, I love make foamy cards and gifts for them. So, the days with my students are really amusing.
Also, Nowadays I'm having a childcare experience; they are 2 beautiful girls whose are 2 and 6 years old. When I take care of them, I’m so attentive, especially with theirs school homework’s, food and nap. In the afternoon we go out to some places such us:  the park, visit their little friends, and sometimes we play with some game in the yard, watch princess movies and play with dolls.

I’m a responsible, honest, friendly and patient person, who becomes fond easily with children. I think that the most important is to make a deep connection with kids, so that they can feel good and comfortable with me. I can give to my host kids all my knowledge and experience, lots of care and teach them a little bit of French and Spanish. For these reason, I consider I have good qualities and abilities for being your next AU PAIR in USA. In addition my purpose as an AU PAIR is grow up as a person, meet American culture, be more autonomy, improve my self-confidence, as well as my English level.

That is a little summary about my life; I hope you enjoyed this special letter and know more about me.

Have a nice day.


Dalma Andrea

Espero les haya servido estos consejos, si desean saber mas les sugiero este blog que explica todo... besitos ;)


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